What we do

We specialise in supporting clients in defining options and making decisions that will drive top line or bottom-line growth.
This can be at the PLC, country, division, or line of business level. Our methodologies have been applied, tested and perfected over the past 25 years under a wide variety of extreme circumstances – financial crises; regulatory change; disruptive tech; demographic shifts; and politics. They are grounded in detailed analysis to enable fact-based decision making. They engage and align senior stakeholders throughout as this buy-in is essential to driving to decisions, actions, and outcomes. They ensure that a realistic view of people, culture, and capabilities is embedded into recommendations as these are essential to implementing the engagement roadmap and delivering the growth & value required by the business.
Our engagements are short, sharp interventions where we aim to have maximum impact in as short a period of time as possible. They are typically structured in three phases:
1 Diagnostic & Option Definition
2 Deep Dives & Option Recommendation
3 Quantification & Roadmap
We emphasise collaboration with clients but recognise that in some cases the sensitivity of the work requires limited engagement with only a select group of senior stakeholders.
In our experience, traditional consulting firms are increasingly de-prioritising these types of complex, classic strategic interventions in favour of large-scale, multi-million figure transformation programs to meet aggressive growth targets and cover high overheads.
Particularly in the current economic environment. Ethos is filling this growing gap in the market.
Sectors we specialise in
Pensions, Wealth Management, Asset Management, Insurance, Consumer & Corporate Banking
Our clients include
Global, regional, and domestic PLC’s; fin/insurtechs; PE firms; governments, regulators, and NGO’s in the UK, Europe, North American, the Middle East, and AsiaPac.
Clients call us for
What we do not do

Overstay our welcome
“Land and expand”, i.e. Use engagements to sell large scale “transformation” or implementation programs
Body shop
Repurpose and retrofit existing IP
Sell and leave junior resources to get on with the work